MED EM 668 - Casper, Wyoming

This is unpublished


Site Director:
Morgan Johnson, MD


Wyoming Medical Center
1233 East 2nd Street
Casper, Wyoming 82601
Site GME Coordinator:
Kellie Brodrecht


Wyoming WWAMI Program Administrator:
Deb Dolph

clerkship information

Please contact Kellie Brodrecht, immediately to coordinate where to report and things that must be done prior to the first day.


Complete the entire MyClinicalExchange process that will be assigned to you prior to the start of the rotation. 

Background Check

To complete the “Letter of Good Standing” requirements for this site, please send to the site coordinator, a copy of your criminal background check. This is in E*Value. For a student to access a report from E*Value:

  1. Students should log into E*Value as they normally do
  2. Click the purple “My Profile” button
  3. Click “Immunizations and Certifications”
  4. Choose the most recent Criminal Background Check PDF
  5. Save the file to your computer and attach to an email

Drug Testing

Students rotating in Casper are required to complete a drug scan prior to their rotation. You will complete your drug screening at the hospital on your first day and you can find more information on the SOM Compliance/Drug Testing webpage

First day

Orientation & Clinical Schedule

After first day of intake is complete, Dr. Johnson will conduct your ER orientation and create your schedule.

Course Requirements

All information about this clerkship is on our website. Please study this.


Students are to place a peripheral IV under the supervision of a nurse-teacher during the first week of their clerkship. See these guidelines.

Bioethics Essay

There are many ethical dilemmas faced in the ED on a daily basis, such as in this clerkship bioethical reading. Pick one such situation you encountered during your EM clerkship and describe what you learned from it. You may prewrite your bioethics essay, 500 words maximum, then copy and paste into the OneDrive link sent to you by the clerkship administrator. Your bioethics essay must be posted by the 3rd Wednesday of the clerkship. You are also required to respond to two other posts/comments on the OneDrive document on others’ bioethical essays by the 4th Wednesday of the clerkship.

Final Exam

You will take the NBME “shelf” exam for EM. The exam will be on the final Friday of the clerkship, more information will be emailed prior to the test.

  • The exam is online and consists of 110 questions. You will have 2 hours and 45 minutes to complete it.
  • We recommend the “Case Files for EM” book to prepare for the exam. 
  • The CDEM curriculum is also helpful in preparation. 

Absentee Policy

Familiarize yourself with our absentee guidelines posted on our website. Absences (other than illness and emergencies) will affect your grade if they occur unannounced or without permission.