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Stock photo of wildfire burning in an area of brush with active flames and burnt and blackened trees
Mar 8
Headshot of Dr. Zack Wettstein
March 8, 2024
Wildfires worsen mental health conditions, study finds
Stock photo of white rice
Mar 6
Headshot of Dr. V Koski-Karell
March 6, 2024
Rice exports from U.S. to Haiti have unhealthy levels of ars…
Medicine Stock Photo
Feb 13
February 13, 2024
Emergency Medicine faculty and residents receive internal re…
Stock photo of person holding up thermometer
Feb 13
Dr. Mastafa Springston
February 13, 2024
Dr. Springston helps develop smart earring to monitor a user…
Feb 7
Dr. Kelli O'Laughlin Headshot
Dr. Graham Nichol Headshot
Dr. Robbin Klabbers Headshot
February 7, 2024
BIPOC individuals experience more COVID-19 aftereffects, new…
Stock photo of doctors stethoscope
Jan 23
Headshot of Dr. Nick Johnson
Headshot of Dr. John Ilgen
Headshot of Dr. Ivan Zvonar
January 23, 2024
Drs. Johnson, Ilgen, and Zvonar recognized as standout revie…