
UW Medical Center
Magnuson Health Sciences Building,
F Wing, UW Box 357235
1705 NE Pacific Street
Seattle, WA 98195
Nathan White, M.D., M.S., DipRTM is the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education – Harborview Medical Center. Dr. White is a board-certified physician working in the Emergency Department at Harborview Medical Center and a UW Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine and adjunct professor of Bioengineering and Mechanical Engineering. Dr. White especially likes to work in a fast-paced environment. As a physician, what excites him is to be able to care for patients quickly and compassionately in a team environment.
In addition to general Emergency Medicine, Dr. White works as a Flight Physician with Airlift Northwest and directs the Resuscitation Engineering Science Unit (RESCU), a research center focused on how to stop bleeding after major trauma, studying blood coagulation response to injury, and designing new diagnostics and therapies for critical care in austere environments.
Education & Training
- MD, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI (2003)
- Internship and Residency, Emergency Medicine Residency, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH (2010)
- Fellowship, Research, Virginia Commonwealth University Reanimation Engineering Shock Center, Richmond, VA (2010)
- MS, Clinical Research and Biostatistics, Virginia Commonwealth UniversityRichmond, VA (2010)
research & clinical interests
- Hemorrhagic shock and resuscitation
- Rapid response team education
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
- Fibrinogen biochemistry
- Hemostatic emergencies
- Coagulopathy of trauma
- Technology innovation
- Resuscitation of critical illness and injury
- Blood coagulation management