MED EM 645 - Boise, Idaho

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Site Director:
Kyle Irby, MD


St. Luke’s Boise Medical Center
190 East Bannock Street
Boise, ID 83712

WWAMISite Coordinator:
Enida Civic 


Idaho WWAMI Administrator:
Sarah Keshian

Before You Arrive

Please e-mail Dr. Irby 1 week before your start date to check in and ask about specifics regarding the 1st day of your rotation. YOU WILL NOT be provided with a schedule in advance of your 1st day. The schedule is something that will be developed with Dr. Irby on the 1st day of your rotation. Students rotating at this site are required to provide documentation of a TB test within the past year.


You will receive information from the site regarding the first day of ED orientation before your arrival.


Student credentialing is completed through myClinicalExchange.  There is a cost to using this program.   

All scheduling will continue through the UWSOM’s registrar’s office, you should not be making any changes to or requesting rotations in myClinicalExchange.

Course Requirements

All information about this clerkship is on our website. Please study this.


Students are to place a peripheral IV under the supervision of a nurse-teacher during the first week of their clerkship. See these guidelines.

Bioethics Essay

There are many ethical dilemmas faced in the ED on a daily basis, such as in this clerkship bioethical reading. Pick one such situation you encountered during your EM clerkship and describe what you learned from it. You may prewrite your bioethics essay, 500 words maximum, then copy and paste it into the OneDrive link sent to you by the clerkship administrator. Your bioethics essay must be posted by the 3rd Wednesday of the clerkship. You are also required to respond to two other posts/comments on the OneDrive document on others’ bioethical essays by the 4th Wednesday of the clerkship.

Final Exam

You will take the NBME “shelf” exam for EM. The exam will be on the final Friday of the clerkship, more information will be emailed to you before the test.

  • The exam is online and consists of 110 questions. You will have 2 hours and 45 minutes to complete it.
  • We recommend the “Case Files for EM” book to prepare for the exam. 
  • The CDEM curriculum is also helpful in preparation. 

Absentee Policy

Familiarize yourself with our absentee guidelines posted on our website. Absences (other than illness and emergencies) will affect your grade if they occur unannounced or without permission. If you need to call out for illness during your rotation, please ensure you email Dr. Irby, Enida Civic as well as your UW Clerkship Administrator Megan Mast ( in a single email.


For this required clinical clerkship students will be contacted by the Idaho WWAMI office. Prior to accessing the housing, students are required to sign a housing agreement.

For questions regarding travel and reimbursement email