
Harborview Medical Center
Box 359702
325 Ninth Avenue
Seattle WA 98104-2499
Dr. Srinivasan is an emergency physician and a neurointensivist. He specializes in the care of patients in the Emergency Department and in the Neurocritical Care Service at Harborview Medical Center. His goal is to ensure seamless transitions for neurologically ill and injured patients from prehospital settings into the Emergency Department and Intensive Care Units. His research interests include examining ways to make transfers more seamless and safer for patients and the use of technology as a tool to enhance patient care in these domains.
Dr. Srinivasan is also interested in flight medicine and the aeromedical transport of critically ill patients. He partners with Airlift Northwest as a flight physician and researches ways to make the transport process safer and more efficient for patients with acute neurologic disease. As an educator, he is interested in undergraduate and graduate medical education, specifically in the domains of critical care, ultrasound, and neurological emergencies. He is also an ENLS instructor and has taught courses for physicians and nurses on the early management and stabilization of neurocritically ill patients.
Education & Training
- MD, University of Rochester School of Medicine, Rochester NY (2009)
- Residency, Department of Neurosurgery, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY (2014)
- Residency, Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY (2018)
- Fellowship, Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH (2020)
research & clinical interests
- Medical education
- Critical care ultrasound
- Medical innovation
- Ultrasound
- Subarachnoid hemorrhage
- Stroke
- Traumatic brain injury