This is unpublished

Time Limits

Assistant and Research Assistant Professors are appointed for an initial 3-year term. They are reviewed in the spring of year two for reappointment for a second, 3-year term, and promotion must occur by the end of year six. This is called a mandatory promotion. An example Assistant Professor appointment timeline would be as follows:

* Appointments to Assistant Professor that begin from July 1-January 1 count that year as the first in the title. Appointments after January 1st count the following year as the first year in title (i.e. appointed February 1, 2015, June 30, 2016 would be the end of the first year in title).

** The length of the second term of the Assistant Professor appointment is affected by FTE. The second appointment term for part-time faculty is based on appointment FTE and may range from three to six years with mandatory review for promotion in the last academic year of the second appointment term.

  • The second appointment term for faculty with an appointment FTE of .90 or above is three academic years.
  • The second appointment term for faculty with an appointment FTE between .70 and .89 is four academic years.
  • The second appointment term for faculty with an appointment FTE between .60 and .69 is five academic years.
  • The second appointment term for faculty with an appointment FTE between .50 and .59 is six academic years.

Postponement Package

Since the A&P Council must advise the Dean on each recommendation by a department for postponement of a mandatory review, the recommendation package should include the following:

  • A letter from the Chair indicating the vote of the faculty and outlining clearly the reasons why an additional 12 months before a final decision would be likely to alter in a significant way the recommendation of the department. The letter should also indicate the substance of the most recent annual meeting with the candidate and the unfulfilled expectations that were discussed. The letter should include a clear and measurable postponement plan with expectations that should be specific, measurable, attainable, reasonable and timely.
  • Three external letters of recommendation must come from external University referees (senior faculty) at institutions comparable to ours who are not present or past colleagues, teachers, students, friends, mentors, or collaborators (co-investigator or co-authored papers). Letters from former UW faculty are welcome but will not be considered as external letters.
  • An updated C.V., including indications of teaching and service responsibilities as well as a record of grant support.
  • Evidence of effectiveness of teaching and/or clinical activities.
  • Two recent publications that indicate the focus of the candidate's scholarly activities.
  • Although not required, letters from other members of the faculty may be helpful to support the proposition that additional time would present a realistic opportunity for the candidate to address identified shortcomings.

A postponement package may not be as complete as one recommending promotion, but it should provide the Council with sufficient materials to evaluate the wisdom of postponing the decision for 12 months.