Dr. Amber Sabbatini Awarded R01 Grant
Dr. Amber Sabbatini was awarded an NIA R01 grant for her project entitled Observation Stays and Readmissions for Older Adults: Implications for Medicare Policies.
The Research Project Grant (R01) is the original and historically oldest grant mechanism used by NIH. The R01 provides support for health-related research and development based on the mission of the NIH.
Under this $1.9 million, four year award, Dr. Sabbatini will use longitudinal Medicare claims and quasi-experimental methods to identify the impacts of Medicare payment reforms on the use of observation stays, define the contemporary national landscape of readmissions, post-discharge ED use, mortality and acute care costs for patients with observations stays, and determine if observation stays should be accounted for nationally in quality programs to fully reflect the care needs of older adults requiring hospital care.