Dr. Jeremy Hess publishes in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health
Dr. Jeremy Hess and others published “Building Resilience to Climate Change: Pilot Evaluation of the Impact of India’s First Heat Action Plan on All-Cause Mortality” in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health.
In this paper, they evaluated the linkage between all-cause mortality and high temperatures in Ahmedabad, India before and after the implementation of a heat action plan (HAP). Ahmedabad, one of India’s largest cities, was the first to implement a HAP, which their analysis suggests helped the city avoid an estimated 1190 heat-related deaths a year. Overall mortality rates on all days with daily maximum temperatures above 40°C showed a 5% decrease in post-HAP years 2014 and 2015, relative to pre-HAP years 2007-2010, and mortality rates on the hottest days (with daily maximum temperatures above 45°C) showed a 27% decrease post-HAP.