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Regular Faculty Promotions

You are responsible for your promotion: you will need to collect materials and write content (e.g. self-assessment and teaching philosophy) that becomes part of the comprehensive promotion packet. As you begin preparing, or consider preparing for promotion, please set up a meeting with Lisa Lawless (, Academic Affairs & HR Manager, Dr. Jon Ilgen, Vice Chair for Faculty Development, and Dr. Susan Stern, Department Chair, to begin the process.

Eligibility for Promotion

Assistant Professor to Associate Professor

Assistant Professors who will have been in rank 3 years or more on July 1* of the academic year following the spring review are eligible for consideration for promotion to Associate Professor. Example: Spring review 2015 for Assistant Professors who will be 3 years or more in rank effective July 1, 2016. Those who will have been in rank 3, 4 and/or 5 years will be considered for non-mandatory promotion; those who will have been in rank 6 years or longer will be considered for mandatory promotion.

*For appointments starting July 1-January 1, the promotion clock moves back to July 1.
For appointments starting January 2-June 30, the promotion clock moves forward to the next July 1.

Associate Professor to Professor

Associate Professors who will have been in rank 4 years or more on July 1 of the academic year following the spring review are eligible for consideration for promotion to full Professor. Example: Spring review 2015 for Associate Professors who will be 4 years or more in rank effective July 1, 2016.

Promotion Package

In addition to meeting the criteria for promotion to the next rank and understanding the review process, it is important for you to understand the documentation required so that you will have gathered these materials by the time the packet is submitted. It is recommended that you review the packet checklist at the time of appointment and again periodically over the years, as requirements do change.

Please work with Lisa Lawless ( to coordinate the preparation of your promotion packet, to gather the necessary materials and documents from you, from other faculty members, and from external reviewers.

Package Components

There are two main components that make up a promotion packet:

  1. Basic promotion packet: Review the necessary documentation below.
  2. Executive Summary of Teaching Template (Clinician/Scholar and Physician/Scientist)


To obtain the most up-to-date checklist of promotion requirements, please contact your Academic HR Manager, Lisa Lawless (