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Faculty appointments

Faculty appointments are made to one of three tracks (regular, research, clinical), to the acting faculty, or as a teaching associate. 

Type of appointment and rank are determined by duties and qualifications. Faculty may hold appointments in more than one department (joint or adjunct), with one department serving as the primary and others as secondary.

As a faculty member of the Department of Emergency Medicine, you have been appointed to a specific rank and title, which defines the term limits, mandatory promotions, and reappointments of your employment. Please review the specifics of your appointment title below. Should you have any questions, please contact Haley Port (

Appointment Types:

For more information, please visit the DOM public website

  • Regular Faculty (Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor)
  • Research Faculty (Research Assistant, Research Associate, or Research Professor)
  • Full-Time Clinical Faculty (Clinical Instructor, Clinical Assistant, Clinical Associate and Clinical Professor)
  • Volunteer Clinical Faculty (Medical Student and Resident Educators in the WWAMI Region)
  • Acting Faculty  (Acting Instructor and Acting Assistant Professor)
  • Joint Faculty (Faculty holds same title in both Departments, i.e. Assistant Professor of Global Health and Medicine)
  • Adjunct Faculty (Faculty holds an adjunct title in secondary Department)
  • Emeritus Faculty (Recommended title for retired faculty)


Criteria for Appointment/Promotion