DEM Faculty & Staff Publish Article in Cureus

Drs. Gabe Morales, Adeyinka Adedipe, Graham Nichol, student researcher Sophie Morse, as well as faculty from the UW Division of Cardiology, published an article titled "Feasibility of Very Early Identification of Cardiogenic Shock by Semi-automated Ultrasound Exam in the Emergency Department" in the journal Cureus.
Cardiogenic shock (CS) is critical end-organ hypoperfusion due to reduced cardiac output. Early therapy, such as vasoactive agents or the initiation of mechanical circulatory support (MCS), requires early diagnosis and is associated with better outcomes. A novel ultrasound platform (GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, WI) has semi-automated imaging software (SAIS), which could simplify the point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) diagnosis of CS. The investigators assessed the feasibility of using POCUS with SAIS in patients in shock, determined the ability of SAIS to identify the subset of patients with CS, and described the process and outcome of care of patients with vs. without CS after presenting to Emergency Department (ED) with hypotension.