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Dr. White appointed Associate Chair for Research

January 29, 2019
Dr. Nathan White
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Dr. Nathan White earned his medical degree at Wayne State University School of Medicine (2003).  He completed residency training in Emergency Medicine at the University of Cincinnati (2007), followed by a 3-year fellowship in Critical Illness and Injury Translational Science research as part of an NIH National Research Service Award (T32) and earned a Master’s degree in Clinical Research and Biostatistics at Virginia Commonwealth University (2010).  

Since joining the UW faculty in 2010, Dr. White has developed an active and productive research program in resuscitation science with a specific focus in trauma and hemostatic resuscitation.  He is currently an Associate Professor with adjunct appointments in the Department of Bioengineering and the Department of Mechanical Engineering.  

Within a year of arriving at the UW, Dr. White was accepted into the competitive UW Institute for Translational Health Sciences (ITHS) Multidisciplinary Clinical Research Career Development Program (KL2).  He has since been awarded funding for over 15 grants as PI or Co-I from a broad range of agencies including the NIH, Department of Defense (DOD), the Washington Life Sciences Discovery Fund, and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.  Most recently, in collaboration with Dr. Suzie Pun from the Department of Bioengineering, Dr. White was awarded an NIH (NHLBI) R01 for their project, A Synthetic Hemostat to Revolutionize Early Trauma Care.  

From the start, Dr. White has recognized the importance of multidisciplinary teams in developing a productive and exceptional research program.  To that end he has brought scientists together from Emergency Medicine, Surgery, Hematology, Mechanical Engineering, Bioengineering, and Applied Physics, to name a few.  


While the Department’s research initiative has increased exponentially over the past several years, there remains tremendous growth opportunity and the role of Associate Chair for Research will be critical to this success.” 

- Dr. Susan Stern, chair

Dr. White currently serves as a Council member of the Trauma Hemostasis and Oxygenation Research (THOR) Network and has served as an Associate Scientific Advisor for the journal Science Translational Medicine. He has presented nationally and internationally on the topic of hemostatic resuscitation and the effects of trauma and shock on coagulation.  He has served as a mentor for numerous undergraduate and graduate students, as well as medical students and trainees, including UW doctoral and master’s candidates in science and engineering. 

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