MED EM 681 is a permission-only course, please contact Megan Mast for details.
Scheduled the first Monday of your rotation. Attendance is mandatory. Four weeks prior to the start of your clerkship you will be emailed site-specific instructions.
As the ED is open 24/7, students can expect to work weekends, holidays, and night shifts.
Please review the Work Hours Policy for Required Clerkships for guidelines on medical student staffing in the ED.
Case Presentation
Part of the advanced clinical elective is a case presentation that will be given at morning teaching rounds during the last week of the rotation. This should be a case the student has seen in the ED to present to fellow students and residents, giving them the opportunity to talk through the differential and treatment points. At the end of the case, the student can highlight a few brief take-home points about the specific diagnosis and treatment/management. If there is a good EM study addressing it, they may bring a few copies to share, but this is not required.
Feedback and Evaluation
A formal structure for feedback to occur in real-time during the clerkship is in place for the core objectives. Mid-session feedback will occur halfway through the course, in person or via email, based on the daily observations collected at that point.
The final evaluation will be based on a compilation of attending and senior resident evaluations of clinical performance. The grading scale is as follows:
- 86.6%-100%: Honors
- 74.6%-86.5%: High Pass
- 50.9%-74.5%: Pass
- 50.8% and below: Fail