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Dr. Fockele receives Junior Faculty Award from ACEP

October 2, 2024
Headshot of Dr. Callan Fockele
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The Department of Emergency Medicine proudly announces Dr. Callan Fockele received the Junior Faculty Award from the ACEP Social Emergency Medicine SectionFockele accepted the award at this year's ACEP 2024 Scientific Assembly.

Dr. Fockele stands holding her award from ACEP

In the nomination letter for Dr. Fockele, her colleagues at the University of Washington describe her as an extraordinary clinician, educator, and researcher, whose leadership, compassion, and relentless dedication to emergency medicine and addiction treatment have been truly inspiring.

Dr. Fockele has advanced training in addiction medicine and has developed protocols to integrate addiction treatment into emergency department workflows. Through her work, emergency departments are now prescribing buprenorphine more frequently, distributing harm-reduction supplies, and are expected to begin treating patients with long-acting injectable medications.

"Over the years, Dr. Fockele has demonstrated a tireless commitment to improving health outcomes for marginalized populations, especially in the context of the opioid epidemic through research, clinical work, and outreach," reads the nomination letter. "Dr. Fockele is a force for change, responsible for some of the most impressive improvements in the quality of care for people living with drug use in the state of Washington, making her a deserving candidate for this prestigious award. She completed her training in 2020 and has made an impact every day since. "

Congratulations, Dr. Fockele!


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