Program Specialist
Veronica Ramirez Ramsay, Education Coordinator
Cole Dedmon, Clinical Scheduling and Compliance Analyst
(206) 744-5694
UW EM Chiefs
Pager: (206) 314-8884
Depending on your home residency program and R-level, you will be designated a member of a team and have assigned reading.
- Trauma Team "TT": UW surgery specialties--UW GS1, AN1, Uro1, OTO1, FM1, VS1, CT1, VS1; Visiting surgery specialties--Madigan EM1, FM R3, ORS R1; Virginia Mason GS1; Swedish GS1, Podiatry R2, Family Medicine R3.
- Trauma Docs "TD": UW GSR2, UW PS2, Peds EM Fellow, Madigan EM R3
- Medicine Team: UW IM1, UW FM3, SCH Peds EM Fellow (some duties on TT as well); Madigan FM2.
- Medic One Docs “M1D”: UW IM2
- UWMC ED rotators: UW and visiting surgery specialties: IM1, AN1, Rehab 1, Psych R1, FM1; Madigan EM1 and EM2.
** You must complete the required reading for your role and team before you start — see the right-hand sidebar ** You will receive an email about a month in advance of your rotation outlining the below information and giving you additional information about your upcoming rotation.
- EPIC: ** This only applies to visiting and UW off-service residents who have not used EPIC previously within the UW Medical System.**
- We will make sure you are registered and send you an email with the self-paced course information. You must complete the self-paced training prior to the start of your ED rotation.
- Providers between 1- 2 years of inactivity with UW Epic will now be granted access and emailed with an offer for an optional refresher training.
- Additional information can be found on the GME website - EHR Systems and Training | UW Graduate Medical Education.
- LMS (“Learning Management System”) modules. You are required to complete three education learning modules prior to your rotation. You will receive an email about a month prior to your rotation that will contain deadlines for completion of the modules, which will take about 75 minutes total to complete. Compliance is tracked and program directors are kept informed. If you have completed these modules on a prior ED rotation with us, you need not take them again.
Evaluations & Chart Completion
- As a matter of GME policy and patient care, we require you to evaluate the faculty with whom you have worked. During the third week of your rotation, you will be asked to evaluate 4-5 faculty with whom you have worked, giving you a three-day window to do so. Completing the evaluations and submitting them within that time frame is part of your professional responsibility and will be tracked and considered in your final evaluation. Your patient chart documentation must be complete before you leave the rotation. Completing them by that time frame is also part of your professional responsibility and will be considered in your final evaluation. Delinquent charting will be reported to your program director
Emergency Medicine Policy on Dragon Software Use in the ED
Dragon is speech recognition software that allows practitioners to document directly into UW Medicine Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems. Using Dragon for direct entry increases efficiency and decreases the time spent dictating or directly typing notes into the EHR. To create your Dragon user profile, we offer "Dragon on Your Own" in lieu of attending a training class, this is a reference guide that directs users on how to create and set up their Dragon user profile. The Dragon On Your Own: Getting Started guide can be downloaded from the website.
The guide covers the basics of requesting and creating a Dragon user profile; since your access has already been requested and set up, you may start at Step 2 on page 3 of this guide to get started.
Practical issues
Badging: Badging is required to enter and remain in the ED. UW/SCH residents/fellows may use their own hospital badges. HMC/ UW ED Visiting Residents: You must obtain an HMC badge on or before your first day. Badging office location: Central Tower, 1CT153. Returning visiting residents: your badge from the prior year will be reactivated.
HMC Harborview parking is located in room 1CT153. Visiting Residents qualify for the UW Resident Pay-per-Use cost, which is about $9.00/day. Call the parking office at 206.744.3254 if you have questions.
HMC Madigan EM1 and EM3 residents-parking access will be added to your badge.
UWMC ED Madigan EM1 and EM2 residents-you will be emailed parking code information and instructions
Food and drink during shifts: Per DOH regulations, food and drink other than water are not allowed anywhere in the ED. This includes doctors' work areas in the ED Fishbowls and in Zone 4. There are break areas in both EDs.
ED attire: Regular clinic clothes or scrubs, your choice. On the Medicine side at HMC and at the UWMC ED, white coats are encouraged because they help patients identify their physician. Note: Wear your own scrubs if possible. If you need to borrow scrubs from us, email
Personal belongings during shifts: At HMC, you may use a locker by emailing; at UWMC ED, there is a resident room that can be used to locate your belongings.
Regarding meal reimbursements: Effective January 1, 2025, UW GME will no longer reimburse visiting resident and fellow meals.