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Emergency Medicine faculty and residents receive internal research awards

February 13, 2024
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Several faculty members and residents were awarded funding for their research projects. This was a part of the Department's Internal Research Awards Funding Scheme.

There were three grant categories: Faculty Pilot Award, Data Science and Informatics Award, and the Ignite Award.

Faculty Pilot Award

This award is intended to support new projects by junior faculty (Assistant Professors and Instructors) that generate pilot data leading to potential future funding. Additionally, it supports established investigators in promoting new research directions or, on rare occasions, provides gap funding for ongoing work in times of critical funding limitations.

Award Recipients:

  1. Nicholas Johnson, Associate Professor and Section Head of Critical Care for his application entitled “PHENOtypes after Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest (PHENOCA).”
  2. Jeremy Hess, Professor of Emergency Medicine, Youngjun Choe, Associate Professor of Industrial & Systems Engineering, and Kennedy Hall, Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine will receive partial funding for their application entitled “Exploring Operational Drivers of Inequities in Emergency Care.”

Data Science and Informatics Award

This award was meant to encourage DEM data research and scholarly projects. This is for DEM faculty or residents who have an established faculty mentor. The focus for these projects is data discovery, modelling, addressing clinical and operational questions, hypothesis generation, and descriptive analyses.

Examples: Biostatistical and/or bioinformatics consulting, Creation of biomedical datasets, Human subject approvals, manuscript publication fees, presentation of scholarly work at national meetings, research assistant time, and analytic software.

Award Recipients:

  1. Margaret Davis, MD, MPH, Resident Physician, Faculty Advisor: Nicholas Johnson, MD, for their application entitled “Early Novel Biomarkers Associated with Neurological Outcome After Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest.”
  2. Riley Kolus, Resident Emergency Physician, Co-Investigators: Callan Fockele, Acting Assistant Professor, for their application entitled “Evaluating the use and efficacy of Emergency Department initiated treatments for alcohol use disorder.”

Ignite Award

The ignite award is geared towards faculty with less extensive research experience in developing scholarly projects that are aligned with the mission of the Department of Emergency Medicine.

Award Recipient:

Bjorn Watsjold, Assistant Professor, Emergency Medicine Co-Investigator: Naeem Bayaa, Chief Resident, for their application entitled “Exploring Off-Service Residents’ Transition and Integration in the Emergency Department Through Qualitative Thematic Analysis.”

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