Resident Peer Recognition Award

The EM Resident Peer Recognition Award is presented by a resident to a fellow resident on a bi-monthly basis. It is awarded to model residents who advance their residency through the demonstration of exceptional clinical care, professionalism, or outstanding service to one's peers.

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This award is a wonderful representation of the culture of our residency and the spirit in which residents regard their colleagues. It is also known as the "PEZ" award, as the resident presenting the award gives the award winner a PEZ dispenser when it is announced during weekly didactics.

October 2021 winner

Cameron Niswander

I would like to pass on the PEZ Award to Cam Niswander. I have this very vivid memory from last year of a long, arduous Gold shift and sitting back in 1EH dreading the hours of note writing when I heard Cam’s cheerful voice. I remember feeling a sense of relief. That not only was he coming to save me, but that the Gold Side was in excellent hands. Cam has that effect on people. His positivity and can-do attitude are infectious. Not only does he make his co-residents feel supported, but his upbeat confidence makes him an ideal leader in stressful clinical situations. Having been off service most of the year so far, I can say firsthand that his breezy manner and a clear sense of his patients do not go unnoticed by other programs. One ortho resident got off the phone after taking a drop-down from the TICU last month and said, “That guy is just so nice!” I knew exactly who they were talking about, and it made me proud to be his colleague. So, it is for all of these reasons, and so many more, that Cam deserves this award and recognition.

September 2021 winner

Claire Murphy

Claire is an incredibly caring person who consistently goes above and beyond for her patients.  I had the unfortunate position of following Claire in the TICU, which was huge shoes to fill.  She is extremely smart, a passionate patient advocate, and will give consultants a run for their money. It also never ceases to impress me how she can commute back and forth from Everett every day and yet her curls are always on point. I also really appreciate Claire's honesty and openness to discussing how challenging and demanding residency is. Thank you to "I just woke up like this" Dr. Claire Murphy for continuing to inspire me daily.

July 2021 winner

Mary Albertolle

The chiefs would like to give the first PEZ award of the year to Mary! Mary is both a super hard worker and an excellent advocate for her patients. She never seems to get flustered and is always cheerful, upbeat, and happy to help out. Her positivity is infectious, and it's hard to be in a bad mood when you are working with Mary! She also goes above and beyond outside of work, making sure her fellow residents are doing okay and planning social events. She is constantly inviting her co-residents on runs and hikes. On top of all that, she’s already planning events as the newest member of the EASE leadership team! Mary, thank you for your endless positivity and for your dedication to your patients and co-residents!

May 2021 winner

Lucas Butler

When you come to work and Lucas is there, you are always greeted with the heartiest of welcomes and a big smile (pre masks of course); it always brightens my day to see him. Even when busy and being pulled in a million directions, Lucas is calm, friendly, and ready to jump to action. He is always willing to help his fellow residents out, whether that's with a patient, swapping shifts, or being a kind listening ear. Lucas sets a great example of being dedicated and working hard while in the ED, but also enjoying the finer things in life. I'm impressed by how he has balanced being a husband and parent with also being a phenomenal doctor and supportive and awesome co-resident. Lucas is trustworthy, smart, hilariously witty, and one of the most genuine people I've met. Thank you, Lucas, for being a bright spot in our residency as a colleague and confidant.

March 2021 winner

Braiden Eilers

Braiden is deserving of the PEZ award for so many reasons. Every shift she provides excellent patient care and is always willing to go the extra mile. During her "pretending" shifts she is attentive and willing to talk through more difficult patients while allowing space for junior residents to make decisions. Out of the hospital, she is an advocate for resident wellness and is always willing to share a story and offer support at EASE. While I am excited that she is going to be completing a fellowship at the CDC, she will be missed here in Seattle. Braiden, you have been an excellent role model and I hope you and Queenie enjoy all the brunch and sunshine DC has to offer.

January 2021 winner

Lynette Lacek

She's the ultimate black cloud but handles it with absolute grace and professionalism, a modern-day Gabe Morales. I am constantly amazed by her attention to detail, bedside manner, and level of knowledge. She comes in every day with the same motivation to expand her knowledge and provide genuine, thoughtful care to her patients. She never shies away from seeing an additional patient at the end of her shift or picking up the lac repair you never quite got to. Truly, I learn something at every single sign-out I receive from her. She starts every shift with the mindset of working harder than the prior shift. She is a constant inspiration to what can be attained during residency with dedication and diligence. With all of this, she still manages to maintain some semblance of humanity outside of the hospital walls; keeping Roni and Nate well-groomed and behaved. For these reasons and countless more, I recommend Lynn for the PEZ award.

October 2020 winner

Ryan Cocca

I nominate Ryan Cocca for the PEZ award. I haven't been able to talk to Ryan much outside of work, but every time I interact with him on shift he is FANTASTIC. He is super helpful to his colleagues, has an amazing bedside manner, and is considerate of every member of the team and their opinions. On top of that, he is incredibly humble and approachable. It has been great to watch him grow as a physician while maintaining his kindness and patience. He works super hard and it is noticed and appreciated by his colleagues. Thanks for being an amazing person and doctor Ryan!

September 2020 winner

Maddie Lawrence

I would like to give the PEZ Award to Maddie Lawrence for being a caring physician, supportive colleague, and outstanding leader. As soon as Maddie became a chief, she took it upon herself to improve the resident shift scheduling. Maddie has really gone out of her way to make sure that residents’ well-being is a top priority. However, beyond her scheduling prowess, she is also a compassionate individual with an uplifting attitude and an approachable presence. I feel fortunate to have her as a colleague. She is truly a role model for the residency program. Thank you Maddie for your hard work. 

July 2020 winner

Sandra Truong

I nominate Dr. Sandra Truong for the Pez Award. Sandra embodies so much of what makes our program great. This past winter Sandra along with another resident started an educational Instagram page about COVID-19 which was really awesome and quickly gained popularity. She is not only a good doctor but she is kind, humble, engaged, and hardworking. We are lucky to have her! 

June 2020 winner

Lola Mudgistratova

Lola has become the new vice-president of the University of Washington Housestaff Association and has been an amazing ambassador for EM within the UW system. She has also been a strong force in organizing residency wellness activities for the EM program as well as the residents in general. In this age of covid and elevated burnout, I would like to recognize Lola for taking the lead on this so many times. Also, always stoked to be working with her on shift. 

April 2020 winner

Axel Adams

Axel is a thoroughbred Emergency Medicine Doctor. He's a solid team player, doesn't shy away from stressful situations, and embraces a heavy workload. Like Zach Wettstein, he has been a strong advocate for the house staff at UW and is not afraid to stand up for his convictions. Mostly though he just has righteous cowboy boots and a clutch fanny pack.